Asutifi North District Assembly, together with World Vision and Ghana Education Service on Friday, October 14th commemorated this year’s Global Handwashing Day at Gambia No.2.
This year’s commemoration-themed, “Unite for Universal Hand washing” brought together Nananom, Assembly members, teachers, School Management Committees (SMCs), various heads of departments, health practitioners and pupils of basic schools across the district.
Since 2017, Asutifi North District Assembly has employed partnerships under its Asutifi North Ahonidie Mpumtuo(ANAM) Initiative for the provision of WASH services for communities, healthcare facilities and schools in line with Sustainable Development Goal 6.
District School Health Education Program (SHEP) Coordinator, Felicia Ohenewaa Larbi in her opening address explained “commemoration of the day became a necessity when partners in hand hygiene noted the hands are used for almost every activity. Hence, the need to pay attention to hand hygiene”.

On her part, Obaahemaa for Gambia No. 2 and Guest Speaker, Nana Adwoa Birago in her remarks said, “we are grateful for marking this day here with us after all the facilities you have provided for us. And to teach us the importance of hand hygiene particularly for young children. They need good health for a better future”.

Programs Officer for World Vision, Innocent Boadi expressed concerns over the maintenance of facilities provided under the project and charged the community leaders to be up to the task.
“Maintenance of the facilities we have provided is very important. We have spent over 3 million dollars and 500,000 dollars on sanitation in this district. I realized when we went on the field visit that the door has removed and the inside of the latrines are not well kept. We beg you, try and take care of the facilities”, he said.

Kenyasi-Muoho Anglican Primary and Pobikrom D/A JHS were awarded Veronica buckets and tissues for good hygiene practices in their schools whereas Agravi D/A was given some items for its huge enrollment.